To strengthen the networking in the PSMR-TBP2022 community we are happy to provide this page to share job offers. To offer a job please send a mail to the conference organising committee including the following data:
Your advertisement will be published on the conference website as soon as possible.
Published | Title | Description | Affiliation |
18/5/2022 | Post-Doctoral Fellowships In Medical Physics | The Functional Imaging and Instrumentation Group is opening two post-doc positions and a fixed term research contract on AI-enhanced PET image data acquisition, reconstruction and analysis. | Department of Physics "E. Fermi", University of Pisa and INFN (Pisa, Italy) |
20/5/2022 | Detector scientist and PET physicist positions | The recruited persons will work with next-generation full-stack AI-enhanced hardware and software technologies for gamma ray detection. | IRIDAE s.r.l., Pisa, Italy |
25/5/2022 | Understanding the link between brain energy metabolism and cognitive decline | We are seeking a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow to join a research team investigating the interrelationship between cerebrovascular disease, cerebral energy metabolism, and cognitive function. Combining perfusion MRI with 15O-PET, our goal is to answer two questions: “What is the impact of disease-related changes in the smallest blood vessels (known as capillaries dysfunction) on oxygen delivery to the brain?” and “Does capillary dysfunction impede the increase in energy production initiated by a cognitively demanding task?” This project will focus on patients diagnosed with carotid artery stenosis since the disease is associated with cognitive impairment. Imaging will be conducted on a Siemens Biograph mMR system with 15O capabilities. | Dr. Keith St Lawrence, Lawson Health Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada |
26/5/2022 | Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scientist | PET physics and reconstruction expert | Siemens Knoxville Tennessee USA |